27 September 2008

Man #2

Sunday: "It felt nice today on the futon, just being together. We can't though."

Monday: "My living room is the seat of world culture." (That one's not significant, just funny.)

Tuesday: "My play count for 'Samson' [by Regina Spektor, which I recommended the previous day] is 67."

Tuesday: "You are good dudette."

Wednesday: "I feel like I could very easily lose you because of this situation. But to be clear, I will not pursue any romantic relationship between us."

Thursday: "The bathroom light is very unflattering." [re. my saying I looked awful]

Thursday, we talked all night and into Friday morning.

Friday night was our official first date. Where'd we go, you ask? THE CHUCK BERRY CONCERT. Yes. How absolutely fantastic. Afterward we grabbed a movie from my place and headed back to his. After some hanging out and his conversation with Man #1 ensuring that such action wouldn't violate their friendship, he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend.

Needless to say, I said yes.

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