08 September 2008

The best things in life...

...are free. So they say. And more and more I'm beginning to believe them.

The story of the awesome thing that happened this afternoon began a week ago yesterday. As you may have read in an earlier post, Man #1 decided to break up with me on that date. I got in touch with a friend - from now on referred to as Man #2 - who said he'd come over and give me a hug, make me feel better. Now, he did come over, and we ended up going to a party together and hanging out for pretty much the entire night, but never did I get the promised hug. So I texted him later, all faking hurt that he hadn't hugged me. He argued that I hadn't hugged him; little does he know (though he may suspect) I'm afraid of what will happen if I initiate a hug with him. I feel I could accidentally mistake my friendship with Man #2 for more than friendship. Initiating a hug... yeah. I just don't want to go there. Next time, he says.

We'd seen each other a few times since. Next time, he'd say, as soon as I mentioned (and I always did) that he had yet again not hugged me. After crashing on his futon Saturday night, I lamented once more that I hadn't gotten my rightful hug.

So today, Monday, comes around. I text him about the hug, and he says, "next time I see you we will hug." I figure, okay, I never run into him around campus, this weekend, probably at Ben's, I shall receive my hug, however long overdue. I walk out of Spanish and head down the hill, intending to do some homework in the communication studies building. Usually I do not head down the hill at 3:30 on Monday afternoons, it should be noted. At the bottom of the hill is an awful three-way intersection which never gives you enough time to walk. Stuck on the wrong side of the street, I scan the crowd opposite me and notice a guy in a Beatles "Let It Be" shirt. Hey, I think, I know that shirt... (in fact I own one of the same print). I look up and, lo and behold, it is Man #2. The lights change, we each step off the curb. Onlookers must have thought we were about to run into each other - and we did. There, in the middle of this awful intersection, I got a hug.

I've been smirking about how badass that was ever since.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! I am jealous of your good luck. Except that I did sit down and have a good two-hour talk with Bridget. She's so great. xD