28 February 2009

About Me

I am addicted to Diet Coke. Well, actually I'm addicted to caffeine. Diet Coke just tastes good.

I would totally bone Boba Fett, as long as he kept his helmet on.

In public restrooms, I have to walk to the bathroom stall farthest from the door to make sure nobody is standing on a toilet.

I enjoy seeing bicyclists wearing suits.

I hate touching other people's dryer lint.

I have a tough front, but a thin skin.

My favourite music section changes constantly. There are some artists that I always love, like the Who and Pink Floyd and Midnight Oil and the indelible Beatles.

I fit in Tyler Berry's pants.

I ate a lime in Psychology class.

I am Cassica Lyn's Brain.

I want my tragus pierced. And the tattoo I designed in art, junior year of high school.

I love rain.

I'm usually uncertain about most things. Hence, I rarely say anything definite.

I enjoy simplicity. Little things like safety pins make me smile.

I'm greatly amused by doors with kickstands.

I like taking four minutes to brush my teeth.

Kurt Vonnegut is the basis for many of my religious views.

If something spilled or got knocked over, I probably did it. I don't trip very often though.

I text responsibly. As in not while I'm driving or crossing the street. (Unless I have already looked to see the street is empty.)

The cake is a lie.

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