22 April 2009


In order to focus, I'm whining to myself - and you, Dear Internet - in order to get some stuff off my chest.

I'm supposed to have something read for Criticism tomorrow. It won't happen. Online, it says she gave us a handout. I never got said handout.

The first 25 pages of my screenplay need to be edited by Thursday, in the early evening. Somehow, I'm also supposed to write between 15 and 35 new pages. By Thursday. This was assigned last Thursday, apparently ignoring that I have other things to do and some heads-up would have been nice.

Thursday night, I have a paper due. Fortunately, my teacher said I could turn it in next week. Phew. That is happening.

I still have to do reading from last Friday, and for this Friday.

My allergies are eating me. I have a huge sinus headache.

Next week I have to give a presentation, read what will probably be upwards of 100 pages, have more edits done... and then there are papers.

I'm praying for finals.

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