Blitzen Trapper (and their cover of "Star Me Kitten")
23 December 2008
What The Queers Are Doing To The Soil
Okay, here's what I think about the whole gay rights thing.
...when did we make them non-people, again? Where exactly, in our super-special-awesome country-governing documents does it say "all men are created equal unless they publicly admit to not being interested in sticking their penis in a vagina, in which case we should beat them and otherwise treat them worse than we'd treat an animal"?
This is not okay to do to anyone. Anyone at all.
So I'm a lady, right? I think all rapists should have their sexual organs removed. Seriously. If that was the punishment, do you think rape would happen? No. It would not. You know why I think that? Because I've been there. And every time I see this guy, this rapist, around campus, my hands get clammy, I feel dizzy and ill, and my body surges with such a mix of fear and anger that I shake. The nuance of emotions, the sick dry tang of ungodly anguish, that's something a woman can never explain to someone who hasn't been raped. You can use words and try, but my god, unless they're in your head, they'll never quite get it. To be raped is to be completely, utterly dehumanized. And it's not okay. Not for men, for women, for straights, for gays, blacks, whites, Latinos, ANYONE. For a woman to be raped BECAUSE SHE IS GAY... The men who did this are the most ignorant shits on the face of the planet. In my mind, they are well on their way to becoming Hitler - dehumanizing an entire group of people out of completely irrational prejudice.
Okay, we know about Prop 8, yadda yadda, so I'm gonna skip to the fun part. In California, RIGHT NOW, people are trying to nullify the marriages of already-wedded same-sex couples. [FUCKING ASS WADS.] Seriously? You really think forced divorce is helping preserve the sanctity of marriage? This is a SHIT argument. There is NO LOGIC INVOLVED IN IT. As a bumper sticker I once saw so aptly put it, "Your prejudice is your own. Don't blame God."
Take this:
Have you ever seen the Last Temptation of Christ? It is quite definitely one of the finest films I've ever seen. I cite this:
That's all I have to say to you hypoChrists.
And on top of that, THERE IS A SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Christian ideals do not necessarily apply to the significant portion of the United States' population which does not, in fact, believe in Christ.
Want to know something fun? I'm a pantheist. Specifically, a naturalistic pantheist. Interestingly, I think Jesus was in general a pretty cool dude. He said some pretty awesome things which I feel go under the radar way too much today. You know, like the Beatitudes? The Sermon on the Mount? "Blessed are those persecuted seeking righteousness"? Theirs is the kingdom of God. Did you know that? "Judge not lest ye be judged." It's good stuff. Read it. Especially if you're gonna try to preach it.
My father is an uncommonly wise man. He once said something to this effect: "It is easy to let your personal morals and religious beliefs influence your political motives. It is easy to sign into law a document stating that a woman cannot decide whether to have an abortion or use contraceptives. It is easy to sign into law a document declaring that two people who love one another cannot marry based on the body parts they were born with. It is correct to persuade. It is correct to use logic, to use facts. Cut the ethos, cut the pathos, skip to logos. Convince a woman not to have an abortion; convince a man that to marry his love is wrong. It is easy to generalize; it is correct to deal individually with those who do not agree with you. As humans our lives are full of choices between what is correct and what is easy; and no matter how we lean politicaly, we must always aspire to choose what is right."*
This is my fear: that homosexuality itself will become a crime. I fear it will be like witchcraft. Because it is not like skin colour, it is not like ethnic background, it is not apparent when looking at a person. Will men and women be accused of homosexuality, brought to trial, be poorly defended and prosecuted with bogus evidence, then imprisoned or put to death? I see it coming, and I quake with fear. It makes me sick at heart to see America at this point.
*actually, he said something a lot simpler than that. I made it prettier.
...when did we make them non-people, again? Where exactly, in our super-special-awesome country-governing documents does it say "all men are created equal unless they publicly admit to not being interested in sticking their penis in a vagina, in which case we should beat them and otherwise treat them worse than we'd treat an animal"?
This is not okay to do to anyone. Anyone at all.
So I'm a lady, right? I think all rapists should have their sexual organs removed. Seriously. If that was the punishment, do you think rape would happen? No. It would not. You know why I think that? Because I've been there. And every time I see this guy, this rapist, around campus, my hands get clammy, I feel dizzy and ill, and my body surges with such a mix of fear and anger that I shake. The nuance of emotions, the sick dry tang of ungodly anguish, that's something a woman can never explain to someone who hasn't been raped. You can use words and try, but my god, unless they're in your head, they'll never quite get it. To be raped is to be completely, utterly dehumanized. And it's not okay. Not for men, for women, for straights, for gays, blacks, whites, Latinos, ANYONE. For a woman to be raped BECAUSE SHE IS GAY... The men who did this are the most ignorant shits on the face of the planet. In my mind, they are well on their way to becoming Hitler - dehumanizing an entire group of people out of completely irrational prejudice.
Okay, we know about Prop 8, yadda yadda, so I'm gonna skip to the fun part. In California, RIGHT NOW, people are trying to nullify the marriages of already-wedded same-sex couples. [FUCKING ASS WADS.] Seriously? You really think forced divorce is helping preserve the sanctity of marriage? This is a SHIT argument. There is NO LOGIC INVOLVED IN IT. As a bumper sticker I once saw so aptly put it, "Your prejudice is your own. Don't blame God."
Take this:
Have you ever seen the Last Temptation of Christ? It is quite definitely one of the finest films I've ever seen. I cite this:
That's all I have to say to you hypoChrists.
And on top of that, THERE IS A SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Christian ideals do not necessarily apply to the significant portion of the United States' population which does not, in fact, believe in Christ.
Want to know something fun? I'm a pantheist. Specifically, a naturalistic pantheist. Interestingly, I think Jesus was in general a pretty cool dude. He said some pretty awesome things which I feel go under the radar way too much today. You know, like the Beatitudes? The Sermon on the Mount? "Blessed are those persecuted seeking righteousness"? Theirs is the kingdom of God. Did you know that? "Judge not lest ye be judged." It's good stuff. Read it. Especially if you're gonna try to preach it.
My father is an uncommonly wise man. He once said something to this effect: "It is easy to let your personal morals and religious beliefs influence your political motives. It is easy to sign into law a document stating that a woman cannot decide whether to have an abortion or use contraceptives. It is easy to sign into law a document declaring that two people who love one another cannot marry based on the body parts they were born with. It is correct to persuade. It is correct to use logic, to use facts. Cut the ethos, cut the pathos, skip to logos. Convince a woman not to have an abortion; convince a man that to marry his love is wrong. It is easy to generalize; it is correct to deal individually with those who do not agree with you. As humans our lives are full of choices between what is correct and what is easy; and no matter how we lean politicaly, we must always aspire to choose what is right."*
This is my fear: that homosexuality itself will become a crime. I fear it will be like witchcraft. Because it is not like skin colour, it is not like ethnic background, it is not apparent when looking at a person. Will men and women be accused of homosexuality, brought to trial, be poorly defended and prosecuted with bogus evidence, then imprisoned or put to death? I see it coming, and I quake with fear. It makes me sick at heart to see America at this point.
*actually, he said something a lot simpler than that. I made it prettier.
22 December 2008
Well this is silly.
17 December 2008
These are things.
"You have to make a decision one way or the other. Unless you can clear up past mistakes or put things that have been holding you back behind you, you will end the year on a sour note. Finish what's uncompleted in your life."
"Leges sine moribus vanae"
"Leges sine moribus vanae"
14 December 2008
Stuff Procrastinating People Like
Kurt Vonnegut
Diet Coke
prog rock
being an indie snob
Text Twist
ambient music
crossword puzzles
abstract thought
wizard rock
good pens
abstract impressionism
mashed potatoes
macaroni and cheese
safety pins
brushing teeth
the Sims
film noir
the Onion
interior design
nail polish
abstract expressionism
experimental film
ice cream
Caesar salad
calling things what they are
free t-shirts
bean curd
your mom
Kurt Vonnegut
Diet Coke
prog rock
being an indie snob
Text Twist
ambient music
crossword puzzles
abstract thought
wizard rock
good pens
abstract impressionism
mashed potatoes
macaroni and cheese
safety pins
brushing teeth
the Sims
film noir
the Onion
interior design
nail polish
abstract expressionism
experimental film
ice cream
Caesar salad
calling things what they are
free t-shirts
bean curd
your mom
And for my fiftieth post, I present to you: ridiculosity.
...Okay so I have several things to say here.
1. Chuck-E-Cheese scares the living daylights out of me.
2. I once went to a Chuck-E-Cheese. I had a veggie burger. It was burnt. That made me hate the entire chain. Forever.
3. Fun Fact: in the diner scene in Pulp Fiction, there are no children. There's Samuel L. Jackson being - well, actually, pretty darn inspiring. He's doing the right thing and saving people's lives and stuff. CHUCK-E-CHEESE IS MORE VIOLENT THAN PULP FICTION. (Note: the latter is an R-rated film in which several people get shot and several other people drop n-bombs and f-bombs ALL THE TIME.)
...Okay so I have several things to say here.
1. Chuck-E-Cheese scares the living daylights out of me.
2. I once went to a Chuck-E-Cheese. I had a veggie burger. It was burnt. That made me hate the entire chain. Forever.
3. Fun Fact: in the diner scene in Pulp Fiction, there are no children. There's Samuel L. Jackson being - well, actually, pretty darn inspiring. He's doing the right thing and saving people's lives and stuff. CHUCK-E-CHEESE IS MORE VIOLENT THAN PULP FICTION. (Note: the latter is an R-rated film in which several people get shot and several other people drop n-bombs and f-bombs ALL THE TIME.)
If you don't get it:
If you don't get it:
flying spaghetti monster,
Sex hair in public.
Wolf whistles.
"Eight Days a Week"
Talking until the sunrise says it's time to go to sleep.
Meaning it.
Not studying (or really getting anything done at all) because
We have each other.
Wolf whistles.
"Eight Days a Week"
Talking until the sunrise says it's time to go to sleep.
Meaning it.
Not studying (or really getting anything done at all) because
We have each other.
13 December 2008
Story of the Week
Now again, boys and girls and everyone else, it is time for the dreaded part of the semester we college students lovingly refer to as "FINALS WEEK." It is the time of semester when those of us who regularly patronize coffee shops and libraries find ourselves unceremoniously booted out by girls with bad dye jobs and Uggs, or guys who took our favourite reading chair on the fourth floor of the library. And they all have MACBOOKS.
I can't decide if this is a rant or not.
Heeeeere's the thing. Maybe Sally Sororiwhore and Freddy Fratboy got to my study haunts - the libraries, the lounges - before I did. I don't get up at 6 a.m. They're there first. Okay. Good. Just don't fucking glare at me when I open the door - it is not my fault that the door squeaks and eventually slams shut. If my computer makes a startup noise, don't shush me. Goddammit. I mean you're over there chomping on your gum and texting and OH DEAR GOD PLEASE stop being a hypocrite.
This goes for my neighbors as well. Last week, there was one night when maybe my friend an I were being a little loud in my room. However, it does NO GOOD, AT ALL to write on my white board, "BE QUIET AT NIGHT" ...the next day. Or pound on the wall. Pounding and commands just piss me off, and they'd piss you off too. Golden rule, buttfaces. Fun Fact: I'm a really nice person. Seriously. If I'm bothering you enough that you want to take action, don't pound. Walk the few yards down the hall, knock on my door, and ask me nicely to keep it down. Then it's guaranteed I will, because I'll feel bad. (And whatever you do, DON'T be obnoxious in the shower room or in the hallway. Bloody hypocrite morons.)
I hate that. I hate passive-aggressive people. I know I can be quite passive-aggressive, but I own up to it. Besides, I typically only think passive-aggressive things, not act on them. Honestly. This post started out being about how I don't know what to do with myself and turned into a totally unrelated rant.
I've decided I'm letting lots of things go today. So what if my ex-boyfriend is an ass. So what if the girls on my floor are gnarly bitches. It'll all pass, man. I have Victor Hugo, Philip Roth, and Kurt Vonnegut to keep me entertained. In the end, does it matter? No. Not really. Not at all.
@sebhar chill the f*** out, chica.
I can't decide if this is a rant or not.
Heeeeere's the thing. Maybe Sally Sororiwhore and Freddy Fratboy got to my study haunts - the libraries, the lounges - before I did. I don't get up at 6 a.m. They're there first. Okay. Good. Just don't fucking glare at me when I open the door - it is not my fault that the door squeaks and eventually slams shut. If my computer makes a startup noise, don't shush me. Goddammit. I mean you're over there chomping on your gum and texting and OH DEAR GOD PLEASE stop being a hypocrite.
This goes for my neighbors as well. Last week, there was one night when maybe my friend an I were being a little loud in my room. However, it does NO GOOD, AT ALL to write on my white board, "BE QUIET AT NIGHT" ...the next day. Or pound on the wall. Pounding and commands just piss me off, and they'd piss you off too. Golden rule, buttfaces. Fun Fact: I'm a really nice person. Seriously. If I'm bothering you enough that you want to take action, don't pound. Walk the few yards down the hall, knock on my door, and ask me nicely to keep it down. Then it's guaranteed I will, because I'll feel bad. (And whatever you do, DON'T be obnoxious in the shower room or in the hallway. Bloody hypocrite morons.)
I hate that. I hate passive-aggressive people. I know I can be quite passive-aggressive, but I own up to it. Besides, I typically only think passive-aggressive things, not act on them. Honestly. This post started out being about how I don't know what to do with myself and turned into a totally unrelated rant.
I've decided I'm letting lots of things go today. So what if my ex-boyfriend is an ass. So what if the girls on my floor are gnarly bitches. It'll all pass, man. I have Victor Hugo, Philip Roth, and Kurt Vonnegut to keep me entertained. In the end, does it matter? No. Not really. Not at all.
@sebhar chill the f*** out, chica.
10 December 2008
04 December 2008
Sooper Dooper Awesome
Filmies, check this out:
We talked about these in lecture today.
From last night:
We just reasoned out the limits of the universe and the existence of God and all about chemistry and evolution.
Science is proof of religion and religion is proof of science.
"Dude we're living the Mandelbrot set."
Weird Pet Names:
Sugar Snatch
Sugar Bottom
And to top it all off:
We talked about these in lecture today.
From last night:
We just reasoned out the limits of the universe and the existence of God and all about chemistry and evolution.
Science is proof of religion and religion is proof of science.
"Dude we're living the Mandelbrot set."
Weird Pet Names:
Sugar Snatch
Sugar Bottom
And to top it all off:
03 December 2008
People I Would Bang, Fictional and Nonfictional, Living and Dead
Weedmaster P (of Overcompensating)
Tim Curry
Seth Green
Rivers Cuomo
Travis Barker
Jakob Dylan
Colin Meloy
Holden Caulfield
Pierce Brosnan
Jackson Pollock
David Bowie
John Lennon
John Entwistle
Pete Townshend
James Dean
Gene Wilder
Marcellus Wallace
Alan Rickman
Johnny Depp
David Duchovny
Ewan McGregor
Jude Law
Patrick Fugit
Zach Braff
Danny Masterson
John C. McGinley
Hugh Laurie
Lou Reed
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
Christian Bale
Heath Ledger
Jake Gyllenhaal
Biggie Smalls
Jack Black
Billie Joe Armstrong
Tre Cool
Mike Dirnt
Lil Wayne
Peter Sarsgaard
Edward Norton
Michael Bluth
Steve Brady
Mikhail Baryshnikov
David Gilmour
Bret McKenzie
Jemaine Clement
Bob Geldof
Duke Devlin
John Frusciante
Mitch Hedberg
Anthony Kiedis
Dorian Gray
Dave Navarro
Oscar Wilde
Keith Richards
Pablo Picasso
Patti Smith
Jimi Hendrix
Jeffrey A. Townes
Spike Lee
Darryl McDaniels
Mick Jagger
Jimmy Pop
Fred and George Weasley
Friedrich Chopin
Elliott Smith
Tim Curry
Seth Green
Rivers Cuomo
Travis Barker
Jakob Dylan
Colin Meloy
Holden Caulfield
Pierce Brosnan
Jackson Pollock
David Bowie
John Lennon
John Entwistle
Pete Townshend
James Dean
Gene Wilder
Marcellus Wallace
Alan Rickman
Johnny Depp
David Duchovny
Ewan McGregor
Jude Law
Patrick Fugit
Zach Braff
Danny Masterson
John C. McGinley
Hugh Laurie
Lou Reed
Jonathan Rhys-Meyers
Christian Bale
Heath Ledger
Jake Gyllenhaal
Biggie Smalls
Jack Black
Billie Joe Armstrong
Tre Cool
Mike Dirnt
Lil Wayne
Peter Sarsgaard
Edward Norton
Michael Bluth
Steve Brady
Mikhail Baryshnikov
David Gilmour
Bret McKenzie
Jemaine Clement
Bob Geldof
Duke Devlin
John Frusciante
Mitch Hedberg
Anthony Kiedis
Dorian Gray
Dave Navarro
Oscar Wilde
Keith Richards
Pablo Picasso
Patti Smith
Jimi Hendrix
Jeffrey A. Townes
Spike Lee
Darryl McDaniels
Mick Jagger
Jimmy Pop
Fred and George Weasley
Friedrich Chopin
Elliott Smith
01 December 2008
New Videos
So I have some reading do to and maybe a nap to take but you should look at these if you're bored almost to death:
Tyler Juggling
Tyler Juggling
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