31 October 2008

" I just had to ASK A CLERK for orange juice 'cause they don't have ROOM for it in the case 'cause of all the MONSTERXTREMEROCKSTARFRUCTOBULLZ" -- Jeffrey Rowland (I hate that about the world today...and I don't even like orange juice.)

This weekend for me started at 10:00 on Wednesday night. A very dear friend of mine bought me another very dear friend of mine because it is legal for the former to do so, though I am too young. I downed about a third of that bottle, then my first very dear friend mixed me a shot of raspberry vodka with pineapple and blueberry/pomegranate juices. After that, another friend used a similar recipe - this time with added cherry Mountain Dew, which was surprisingly tasty - to mix me four more shots. And then there was wine.

Thursday: BetotheEtotheN turned nineteen. There was a party at his place which was very crowded. I drank very little.

Friday: One Halloween party where I won't know anyone. I was invited by my roommate. A second Halloween party where I will know almost everyone, and where there will be jungle juice (and gay men make the best jungle juice). A third, intimate Halloween gathering which will include a blanket fort. I'll be dressed as a wench. Maybe there will be some Rocky Horror viewing. I hope so.

Thus far today I have seen several Halloween costumes (and several outfits I can only pray are costumes; NOBODY should EVER wear cutoffs, let alone cutoffs with Uggs. When it isn't cold.) The best costume I've seen so far has been a person in a lab coat with construction paper wrapped around their head... BEAKER. http://a3.vox.com/6a00c225239bda604a00e398ec4d730004-500pi

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