28 February 2009

Pink Floyd Poem... aah, nostalgia

In my cleaning up and streamlining of my Internet persona, I found this poem, published in a hi5 blog on 21 July 2005:

I like Pink Floyd,
I like them a lot
This crappy poem
Is just about shot
But I really think
That Floyd likes machines
Peek at a songlist
You'll see what I mean.

About Me

I am addicted to Diet Coke. Well, actually I'm addicted to caffeine. Diet Coke just tastes good.

I would totally bone Boba Fett, as long as he kept his helmet on.

In public restrooms, I have to walk to the bathroom stall farthest from the door to make sure nobody is standing on a toilet.

I enjoy seeing bicyclists wearing suits.

I hate touching other people's dryer lint.

I have a tough front, but a thin skin.

My favourite music section changes constantly. There are some artists that I always love, like the Who and Pink Floyd and Midnight Oil and the indelible Beatles.

I fit in Tyler Berry's pants.

I ate a lime in Psychology class.

I am Cassica Lyn's Brain.

I want my tragus pierced. And the tattoo I designed in art, junior year of high school.

I love rain.

I'm usually uncertain about most things. Hence, I rarely say anything definite.

I enjoy simplicity. Little things like safety pins make me smile.

I'm greatly amused by doors with kickstands.

I like taking four minutes to brush my teeth.

Kurt Vonnegut is the basis for many of my religious views.

If something spilled or got knocked over, I probably did it. I don't trip very often though.

I text responsibly. As in not while I'm driving or crossing the street. (Unless I have already looked to see the street is empty.)

The cake is a lie.

22 February 2009

Favourite Quotes

Facebook decided that my list of favourite quotations reached its limit; thus, I turn to you, o faithful Blog, for storage of this list.

"There's no sacrifice too great for a chance at immortality." -- Dixon Steele

To an attractive blonde: "You annoy me." -- Dixon Steele

"I didn't say I was a gentleman; I said I was tired." -- Dixon Steele

"I wish you'd love me in the way some other person I've never met might potentially love me." -- SMBC

"The quest for a fulfilled life is, I think, paradoxically, solitary." -- Nicholas Ray

"Solitude is important for man, so long as it does not harm him." -- Nicholas Ray

"Take a close look at the world, keep on doing so, and in the end it will lay bare for you all its cruelty and its ugliness." -- Andre Bazin

"I'm Spermy the Friendly Sperm!" -- Emily

"The problem with people who have no vices is that generally you can be pretty sure they're going to have some pretty annoying virtues." -- Elizabeth Taylor

"Just because I have my standards they think I'm a bitch." -- Diana Ross

"It's so hard to convince stupid people they're stupid." -- Jeffrey Rowland

"I can make it come through my pants." -- Tyler

"...I can't get it out!" -- Tyler

"Waking up this morning was a pointless act of masochism." -- Cat and Girl

"Feminism's supposed victory in mainstream society has allowed men to abandon their role as 'champion' while continuing to tell women they can attract attention by playing the role of 'victim.'" -- Cat and Girl

"If money creates possibility, then wealth is the volume of possibilities squandered." -- Cat and Girl

"I have big plans for this foam finger." -- Jess

"Don't fry the eggs if you can't handle the oatmeal!" -- Dan imitating Dr. Phil

"That penis just perks me up every time!" -- Emily

"Machete and machine gun just sound so much the same!"
"I don't like Obama because it sounds like Osama!" -- both the ditzy blonde west-side girl Jess and I followed to EPB once.

"I just ate myself out!" -- Shawn

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." -- Nietzche
(Yes, Nietzche is after Shawn.)

"All this weather is quite the shitshow. Boo national disasters." -- anonymous

"Life goes on. It always does... until it doesn't." -- Eyes Wide Shut

"BOOBIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" -- Shawn

"Do you wanna dip that in my leftover mustard?" -- Sarah

"Oh no, a BIRKENSTOCK!" -- Fernando

"Yugoslavia's ruler Prince Paul signs allegiance to the Axis, but is overthrown two days later in a coop..." "...you mean coup?" -- Neil, Me

"So I was high?" "Yes you were." "...oh. I thought I was just tired." -- Me, Justin, Me.

"Hannah, I'm taking your underwear off." -- Shawn

"I can be a 'ho for free!" -- Jess

"I think showering is kind of a waste of time." -- Jess

"If I'm like a frog and I pee, it's your fault." -- Genevieve

"He just keeps sliding lower and lower on my totem pole." -- Genevieve

"Cheeko smootho!" -- Kathe

"I drank one of Marc's balls!" -- Dan

"I'm an ecosystem!" -- Shawn

"I'm a beard!" -- Kathe

And there you have them. Please stay tuned for more, as Facebook will almost certainly decide I have too many again.

15 February 2009

A Brief Survey of my Musical Inclinations

Cassi's dad came up with this little survey. I did it instead of homework.

1. What is your favorite genre of Music? It's a tough choice. If I had to pick, I would base my decision on the name of the genre; thus, ragga-metal-punk-hiphop is the best genre. Way to not limit yourselves, Skindred.

2. What is your favorite duo, group or band? Pink Floyd - no hesitation, no uncertainty.

3. Who is your favorite singer? I have a many-way tie: Sinead O'Connor, Antony Hegarty, Imogen Heap, Colin Meloy, Roisin Murphy, John Fogerty, Kate Bush...

4. Who is your favorite guitarist? Pete Townshend.

5. Who is your favorite bassist? John Entwistle, without question.

6. Who is your favorite drummer? Keith Moon. Wow. Nice sweep there, the Who.

7. Who is your favorite keyboardist? Garth Hudson, Regina Spektor, Alan Price.

8. Favorite banjo player? Syd Barrett, Béla Fleck.

9. What is your all time favorite song and why? "Wish You Were Here" by Pink Floyd. Once again, no hesitation or uncertainty.

10. What song's lyrics just don't make sense to you? Anything by Vampire Weekend. http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/v/vampire_weekend/oxford_comma.html

11. If you had to have only one CD in your collection, what would it be? "Wish You Were Here" or "Born to Run".

12. What is one CD that you don't have that you wish you did? Antony and the Johnsons...

13. What is your favorite "guilty pleasure" song, you know, one that everyone else hates, but you secretly like? "Big Poppa"... Love that Biggie.

14. What is one CD you have that you wish you had never spent money on? My taste has stayed pretty consistent, and I still like everything.

15. What was the first album/tape/CD that you ever bought? "Nimrod" by Green Day, closely followed by "Maybe You Should Drive" by the Barenaked Ladies.

16. What was the last album/tape/CD that you bought? "American Thighs" - Veruca Salt

17. Have you ever seen a concert? WOOO YEAH

18. If so, what was your favorite one you've been to? Green Day was entertaining, and it was cool to see Bob Dylan with Amos Lee and Elvis Costello, but ultimately, Chuck Berry takes the cake. He's the MAN.

19. What is the craziest thing you ever saw at a concert? An old lady licked Chuck Berry's ear. :/

20. Who, to you, is the sexiest person in music, past or present? DAVID BOWIE.

21. Who has the best hair in music, past or present? DAVID BOWIE.

22. Do you sing in the car when no one else is around? I always sing. People or no people. Car or no car.

23. What song do you think you sing well enough to try it in public? I sing all the time, no matter how good anyone else thinks my rendition is. And I always know the words.

24. Do you currently or have you ever played a musical instrument? If so, what is/was it? Tenor trombone, bass guitar, upright bass, recorder somewhat.

25. Have you ever written a song? Yup.

26. What song reminds you of your first love? "Foreplay/Longtime" by Boston. Not for the obvious reasons.

27. What song reminds you of your first heartbreak? I am fortunate enough to have arrived at 18 with my heart intact.

28. Do you and your significant other/spouse have "a song"? What is it? We don't have an official one, but in my head he is equated with "Thunder Road" by Springsteen.

29. If you are married, what song(s) were played during your wedding ceremony? N/A.

30. What is your favorite song to dance to? "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mixalot.

31. What is your least favorite song to dance to? Umm... a song with a lame beat.

32. What is your favorite song from a movie? The Moulin Rouge! soundtrack, the Labyrinth soundtrack, the Velvet Goldmine soundtrack, the Rocky Horror soundtrack. I can't narrow that list down any further.

33. What song still reminds you of your childhood? "#9 Dream" by John Lennon.

34. What is your favorite song from the 70's? "Wish You Were Here". Ha.

35. From the 80's? "Don't Give Up" or "Mercy Street" by Peter Gabriel.

36. From the 90's? "Nightswimming" by REM.

37. From the 2000's? Thus far: "The Tain" by the Decemberists.

38. Are you listening to music right now? But of course.

39. If so, what is it? I just put on "Star Me Kitten" because I was reading about Automatic for the People, to make sure it counted as nineties.

40. Do you know your spouse's/significant other's favorite song? Nope.

41. If so, what is it? N/A

42. In your opinion, what is the most overplayed song on the radio, ever? "I Kissed A Girl". Fucking Katy Perry. I hope she meets a slow and painful end by rancor.

43. In your opinion, who is the most over hyped artist/group ever? Maybe Nirvana, maybe Sublime. I willingly listen to both, but... meh.

44. Who will you tell your grandchildren was the most influential person in music ever? John Lennon.

45. What song, that is current today, do you think people will be listening to on a regular basis 25 years from now? I hope to the depths of my soul that people will still listen to Modest Mouse. I haven't plugged them enough in this post yet, but I really love them.

46. What type of music do you just not get/think is a waste of time? Top 40 country.

47. Have you ever been to a Broadway/Off Broadway Musical? YES!

48. Would you admit it to other people? I brag. :D

49. What is one activity you just could not do without music? Exist.

50. Is there a song that makes you cry every time you hear it? "Mercy Street" by Peter Gabriel. "Nightswimming" by REM. Often "Asleep" by the Smiths, who I have also not plugged enough here, and who also said, "Remember the songs that made you cry and the songs that saved your life."

Lyrically speaking...

"I can't believe you talk to me/pinch me I'm dreaming/I fell asleep, I fell asleep..."
"I don't stand out in a crowd/sometimes I barely feel I'm here at all..."
-- Kyle Andrews, "Your Tester Bunny"

"A dreaded sunny day/So let's go where we're happy/And I meet you at the cemetery gates..."
Keats and Yeats are on your side/But you lose because Wilde is on mine."
-- the Smiths, "Cemetry Gates"

02 February 2009


This letter went to my local representatives. I usually just send the default letter if, say, we're talking about an issue that I consider important, but not as close to my heart.

"Moments ago, this was a default letter written by somebody else. Now I'm sitting here, before my first class of the week, spending time writing something I doubt anyone will ever read.

The default letter - you've probably gotten some - was eloquent and informative of the situation of the GLBT community, a community of which I am a small, monetarily-challenged part. Because I can't help financially, I'm writing in hopes of garnering your support.

I'm sure you're well aware of the situation facing the GLBT community. I find it appalling that this country, this great symbol of freedom and hope, sees fit to treat any human being in this manner. What we have is an institution similar to the segregation of people by the color of their skin, but with one important difference: a person cannot determine whether another person is GLBT by outward appearance. This leads to McCarthyan treatment of supposed outsiders, to homosexual witch-hunts and complete unfairness. So I ask you, sir, as my representative, to please help my people. "