26 November 2008

Last Day of Manchester Before Ohio

Tonight was awesome.
Pizza Hut with the boys + Ali, then Wal-Mart with the boys for Yu-Gi-Oh! cards (because we are dorks) (oh and we saw Alex and Mitchell), then Tylor's house for Guitar Hero, Yu-Gi-Oh! and Tylor's psychotic doggie. Deven left, then it was just Yu-Gi-Oh! David left. After awhile, I left. But in the meantime...

"I can get it to come through my pants!" -- Tylor
"...I can't get it out." -- Tylor

"Cool as cucumbers." 11:05 pm
"Chilled cucumbers." 11:05 pm

The only way for this to have improved would have been to come home to a nice warm boy instead of bickering parents. Le sigh.

22 November 2008

More Texts

"We just made history. All of this happened because you gave your time, talent and passion to this campaign. All of this happened because of you. Thanks, Barack" -- 1:23 am 11/5/08

| 0 0 |
\ _o _ / "meow. This is Tyler's best attempt at making a cat via text message." -- 2:06 am 11/9/08

"Aye mami" -- 12:45 am 11/20/08

"What might Cleopatra have used to prevent pregnancy? For answer, click the banana @ www.ppgi.org" -- 9:00 pm 11/20/08


11:30 ish - wake up the boyfriend so he can shower before class.
12:20 ish - get on the bus so he can get to class.
12:30 ish - walk home from the bus stop.
12:35 ish - arrive at home, then get distracted by teh intar wubz.
12:57 - hop in the shower.
1:07 - come back from shower to see two missed calls from boyfriend.
1:08 - call boyfriend back, tell him to come upstairs.
1:09 - get dressed.
1:10 - hang out with boyfriend before Thanksgiving break.
2:30 - skip Spanish to hang out with boyfriend before Thanksgiving break.
3:00 ish - roommate returns from class, gets its belongings together, and leaves to catch the shuttle which will take her to her flight home.
3:30 ish - my mother is supposed to have arrived to pick me up and has not.
3:31 - Kathe and Memily hang out with me and boyfriend for awhile.
3:38 - Mommy calls, Kathe and Memily leave, boyfriend picks up some of my luggage for me.
3:39 - boyfriend frets about meeting my mother.
3:40 - boyfriend meets mother and does not combust.
3:41 - I realise I left my coat and sweatshirt upstairs. Gah.
3:42 - I abandon boyfriend with Mommy in order to retrieve said items.
3:45 - Mommy gives boyfriend a ride home.
3:50 - in a fit of awesomeness, boyfriend gives me a goodbye hug AND kiss... in front of Mommy!
3:51 - Mommy and I head home.
5:20 - Arrive at Sister's basketball game, a little late. Various things happen; I take over control of the camera (cinema major represent), Brother is tormented, Father is silly, Sister has a bandage fall off on the court, fouls someone, scores some points.
5:45 (?) - game ends in a tie.
6:00 - I go to the bathroom at the middle school. It is hideous and yellow and short, still, except in order to meet some code they put some bars in the last stall and called it "handicapped-accessible."
6:05 - marvel at Sister's wound.
6:07 - stand in line for a Snicker's bar at the concession stand.
6:09 - some of Sister's friends start talking to me and inform me we are Facebook friends. I am confused.

...okay, I'm bored of this format.

We the girls (Sister, Mommy and I) raced the boys (Daddy and Brother) to the local dispenser of MSG-laden Chinese food. I order Buddhist Delight; Sister orders sweet and sour shrimp, Brother orders shrimp with lobster sauce. Sister consumes 1/3 of her meal; Brother consumes all of his and the rest of hers.

Mom and Sister head home so Sister can shower; the boys and I head to the grocery store for ice cream. Mmm, egg nog ice cream sandwiches. We then watched mind-numbing TV until everyone went to bed.

...oh, Home.

20 November 2008

Things I Think Are Cool - again.

Sex Packets: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Humpty_Dance

ǝlʇıʇ dılɟ: http://fliptitle.com/

Virtual makeovers: http://www.taaz.com/index.html

19 November 2008

In a fit of vanity...

Song: Hannah
Artist: Ray LaMontagne
Icky fanvid which nonetheless has audio: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMaWkAmhp3Q

I lost all of my vanity when I peered into the pool
I lost all of my innocence when I fell in love with you
I never knew a man could fall so far until I landed here
Where all of my wounds they turned into gold when I kissed your hair

Now come to me Hannah
Hannah won't you come home to me
And I'll lay down this bottle of wine
If you'll just be kind to me

Ask her why she cries so loud, she will not say a word
Eyes like ice and hands that shake; she takes what she deserves
To celebrate her emptiness in a cold and lonely room
Sweep the floors with your long flowered dress if you cannot find a broom

Now come to me Hannah
Hannah won't you come home to me
And I'll lay down this bottle of wine
If you'll just be kind to me

She's got hair that flows right down, right down to the backs of her knees
Her Papa, he was a preaching man, and the Lord is hard to please
So she comes down from the Ozark hills to these very streets to roam
With a banjo and a Bible and a fine tooth comb

Now come to me Hannah
Hannah won't you come home to me
And I'll lay down this bottle of wine if you just be kind to me
I'd walk one mile on this broken glass to fall down at your feet
Oh Hannah you're the queen of the street

I climb the tree with my Hannahlee
My intentions they were pure
Oh the breeze did whip and I lost my grip
And I tumbled towards the earth
Well you never would guess who it was that stood below
And His name I would never tell
But His eyes were clear, His arms were strong, and He caught me as I fell

Now come to me Hannah
Hannah won't you come on to me
I'll lay down this bottle of wine if you'd just be kind to me
Now I'd walk one mile on just broken glass to fall down at your feet

Hannah you're the queen of the street
Hannah you're the queen of the street

17 November 2008

There's a reason I haven't posted in ages, I swear.

Actually, there are several reasons. Homework, parties, boyfriend, reading, sudoku, and various websites. (Oh, did I mention MY HAWKEYES KICKED SOME PURDUE ASS? YEAH, THAT WAS GOOD TOO.)

First, check these guys out. I like what I've heard thus far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07XF5uKZlgw (Wolves in the Throne Room - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots, from album "Two Hunters".)

Second, I post stuff here. Creating pieces and then uploading them takes up some time. http://sebhar.deviantart.com/

Third, my Pandora stations needed sorting - AfroCelt, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Unai, and Mogwai do not all belong on the same station.

Fourth, I've been catching up on this webcomic: http://catandgirl.com/

Fifth, the Onion: http://www.theonion.com/content//

Sixth, English Fail Blog: http://www.englishfailblog.com/

Seventh, PUPPIES: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/317016

I've also been getting back into Tetris, so help me God.

Next week is Thanksgiving break. Anticipate frequent posts, including one on the topic of using fear to control women, and one consisting entirely of Oscar Wilde quotes. Maybe I'll find all my favourite scenes from The Godfather on YouTube and gush about them. (You should also look forward to [ha] a post about the shoot I'm doing tomorrow, and about my schedule for next semester.)

Here's one more note: Man #2, due to his being a) a nerd and b) my current boyfriend, shall be henceforth referred to as Man
A. Kapish? Kapish.

10 November 2008

The Aristocrats

Here's what Wikipedia has to say: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_aristocrats
Here was South Park's take: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZUILIfuzKzU&feature=related

A guy walks into a talent agent’s office and says, “Man, do I have the act for you.” The talent agent has seen it all before, or so he thinks, so he says to the guy, “I’m pretty booked right now. Come back some other time.” Not wanting to leave, the guy says, “I promise you, sir, this act is completely unique. Just give me five minutes to tell you about it.” The manager says okay, and the man describes his act.

“I walk onstage, followed by my beautiful wife and my two adorable children, one boy and one girl. We have great outfits on – sequins, feathers, the whole bit. We join hands, take a bow, then all of us step back except my son who, in the spotlight, walks over to a table in the center of the stage. From a terrarium on the table he takes a live gecko. Accompanied by a drumroll, he then swallows the gecko whole. The drums keep rolling, and after a second he throws it back up and sets it on the table.

“Next my wife and I take center stage. On our way there I grab a large syringe from the table. My wife takes off her shirt and as the audience cheers, I give her a seemingly-impromptu spinal tap. I drop my pants as she takes a bucket of ping-pong balls and a speculum from the table. I bend over, ass to the crowd; my front is visible on a giant projection screen at the back of the stage. My wife then kneels down, opens my anus with the speculum and starts shoving ping-pong balls – lubed up with her own cerebrospinal fluid – up there. As she does so, my daughter kneels in front of me and, as her image is projected onto the back screen, begins sucking my dick. I now have ten ping-pong balls up my ass, and as my wife steps away and the crowd applauds, I start firing the balls out of my ass and into the audience. Usually my wife passes out at this point, because of the spinal tap. Once the last ball is in the audience, I ejaculate into my daughter’s mouth; she chokes on my semen and then vomits. She tries to get up but slips in the cum and puke and falls to the floor.

“My son then returns, clutching the dead gecko, which has gone into rigor mortis. He then proceeds to fuck my exhausted daughter with the rigid gecko while I give him a reacharound. My daughter has a loud orgasm as my son comes all over her stomach. I give my wife an adrenaline shot, my son helps my daughter to her feet, and we all join hands to take a bow. The crowd goes wild!”

The manager, dumbfounded, asks the guy, “Holy shit, what do you call an act like that?” The guy says, “Why, sir, we call ourselves The Aristocrats!”